Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blue Man Group Show Las Vegas

We went to see the Blue Man Group show in Los Angeles . It was very loud and had many led flashing lights, and it was almost unpredictable what would happen next. It was really funny especially because they would get people in the crowd to come up as volunteers which made it even more unpredictable. There were so many clever sequences and made me question reality and virtual. They would never talk during the show so they played thir part really well. They had so many different songs to play with some wierd instruments. At the end we all had a party with loud music, led light, and many other things.

Pluto Lowell Observatory

When we went to the observatory it was raining.  We looked around at the visitors centor at the meteorite and at theexhibhits they had set up. Then we went and looked at the Sun through a telescope that lets you look at the Sun, and a man told us a lot of things about the Sun too. Then we watched a video and took a walking tour. We stoped at the Pluto Observatory and the tour guide told us we would go there second. We stoped and he talked about the man and how Pluto was the abbreviation (PL) of a man named Perceval Lowell.  Then we went into the observatory that was meant to become a library. Then we went to another telescope but after that it started raining and we went home. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

CSI Total Experience

The CSI total experience was fun solving a case. We had to find bloodstains and they would put you on a certain case. We got put into case 1. We had to write down what we saw I mostly saw bloodstains and beer on our case. Then you would have to find things like what type of blood splatter it was or who's footprint it was. We would have to wait sometimes cause there weren't a lot of computers for us to use. Then we did our final report and I got the same one my mom did.

The Titanic Exhibit

We saw many artifacts from entittanic at its exhibit. There where more artifacts than I expected they would have at the exhibit. The exhibit was short but had lots of stories to tell. We got to see some of the hallways and rooms of the different classes. There was even a  grand staircase  it was very well done and symmetrical. Then we saw the biggest piece recovered from the titanic,  it was big and only a little part of the titanic. It showed what passengers carried in their luggage and how much the 3rd and 1st class cost. 

Bodies Exhibit

When we went to the Bodies Exhibit I got sick. My mom said that they even used real bodies in the exhibits which made me even sicker. It was a small exhibit but it had so many different rooms talking about different subjects.There were so many parts of the body it showed, I was creeped out that they would preserve and keep a real human bodie there. It showed the process of how they preserved the bodies and stated facts about the subject of the room on the wall. It showed the muscles of athletes and said where the muscles were located. That was our trip to the Bodies Exhibit.

Meteor Crater

When we went to Meteor Crator we saw a real meteorite. Then we saw a presentation and watched a movie about how that think the meteor could have hit to create the crator.  When we went to see the view the crator was so big but they said it was small compared to the other crators. It was rainy that day so it was still a bit wet. Then we ate lunch, it was pouring at that time. Then we left to our next hotel.

Grand Canyon

When we went to the Grand Canyon we didn't take a tour but we saw a lot of the views. A lot of the views were close to the edge. My mom kept getting scared even though I wasn't going anywhere near the edge. We saw some people sitting on the edge with no railings. The view was great and it was a long way down. We went to the vistitors center but didn't stay long because it was closing soon.We only stayed for 2 hours and left. That's about all we did at The Grand Canyon.

Hoover Dam

When we went to Hoover Dame we went on a our that took us inside the dam. The tour was very short and before the tour we saw a video talking about how the dam was created. In the tour we got split up from the people without wristbands who only got a little bit of the tour(we had wristbands).We went on with our tour and saw the stairway to heaven staircase it was really long. That's when we turned around and got cramped in the elevator the same way we did to get to that area in the dam. It was kinda boring because we were just taking photos inside the dam. After the tour we saw another thing that was audio of the dam and the things would light up the places they were talking about. Thats about a wrap of all the things we did in Hoover Dam.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Our Trip to Yosemite

When we went to Yosemite we took the Grand Tour (on a bus) a 8 hour tour. We saw many different sights like Glacier Point. It took so long from the start to get to Glacier Point, but the tour guide talked about the other things you could see on the way. half way through our tour we had a lunch break, you needed a ticket to get lunch, the food they served was good. I slept on the bus for a long time because it took a long time to get to one place we would stop at. While we were going back I was glad that we could go to our hotel and rest. While we were going down the mountain to our hotel I got sick. That's about everything that happened in our round trip to Yosemite.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Our Death Valley Adventure

Today we went to the Death Valley National Park. To get there we went through the Mohave Desert. It got up to temperatures of up to 105 - 120 during the whole trip. There were many different sights to take pictures on the mountains and on the ground. We also went to Randsburg the Ghost Town of tourist attraction we had lunch there. There were lots of different towns we passed along the way. Once we got to Death Valley National Park we started taking more photos and videos. I got sick halfway through Death Valley while going down the steep hills.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tennis tournaments

I went to my friend Vince Marc TaboTabo's tennis tournament. It was a USTA Northern California tournament. I was the photographer I took all the photos of them. Vince is on a team called the Avengers. They were able to make it to the finals but lost. Even though they lost they joked around even when I was taking pictures of them with their medals. The tennis matches were close and there was a 50% chance that we could've won. Every photo I took I had to time just to make sure it was perfect. There were some pictures that ended up looking funny. Almost everyone's family members were there to congratulate them even though they lost because they still made it to the finals. It was fun getting to go to the tournaments and I hope I go again.